Ron Despain by trailer

Ron Despain


About Fresh Bins

I have been involved in Manufacturing Engineering for over 25 years and have worked for several large Manufacturing Companies in the Treasure Valley. I found I needed a change from the corporate world. Last summer, as I was looking for my own business opportunity, I kept walking by my garbage bin each day, and knew I should take the time to clean it out as it smelled and had some type of liquid goo in the bottom of it. I knew I needed to take time to clean it, but kept putting it off knowing if I did attempt to clean the bin it would just get dirty and smelly again. And I wasn’t looking forward to the dirty water splashing back at me either.
I had heard through the years of teenagers and others that would go around the neighborhoods and earn money during the summer by cleaning the neighborhood garbage bins. I got to thinking on how I could do this perhaps full time and what type of equipment would be needed to clean them easily and effectively.

The internet is a wonderful thing, so I started to research if there were already machines out there that would help automate this disgusting job. Sure enough, I found other larger cities that have these bin cleaning machines, and that the residents were happy to have them in their community.

I thought what a concept, being able to basically automate this task of garbage can cleaning, along with having the machinery that has the power to rid the bins of all the germs, and horrid smells. In this day and time, we all believe in protecting our environment, and I am glad to be able to use Eco Friendly cleaning solutions, and dispose of the waste water properly.

My goal with this bin cleaning business is to keep the prices low enough so everyone can get them clean and fresh again, and keep them that way. I believe in being dependable and providing quality customer service.

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